The Creative Person's Website Builder
Alannah Moore ISBN 978-1-78157-106-4 Published by Ilex Press Price £14.99 It seems like most people have websites these days and if you are a creative as well, the pressure is on to make it all look fabulous. Gone are the days when you needed to know coding and software languages in order to set up a website and there are a lot of companies now that provide free or low-cost website programmes for you to set up something for yourself very easily as long as you have the words and pictures. This book focuses on Wordpress, originally set up as a Blog platform but which has expanded to provide free simple websites and a more complex paid service offered should you need some of the added extras to match your requirements. The book deals with the latter and shows you the stages for web construction in a user-friendly and understandable way. This book is an excellent overview of all the things you need to get yourself up and running and it explains each area clearly. What is useful is that there are lots of suggestions about how to get started in practical as well as technical terms. Rather than jumping straight in, you are encouraged to think carefully about what you want your website to look like, what information you will be sharing and what you need to be able to do. By starting the whole process knowing what you want to achieve, you are less likely to get bogged down with troublesome details that aren't relevant to you. For the technologically terrified, explanations are given about Themes and how to find them, navigating your dashboard, creating pages and using widgets or plug-ins. Everything you would need to know to get you started is all contained in a well-ordered and well explained book. There are chapters on social media, setting up an e-commerce site and very importantly, maintaining your website after it is published. Even if you don't use Wordpress for your website, the informative nature of the book will help you organise yourself in whatever platform you use. Even if your website is up and running, you might find that this offers a way of adding that little extra touch of fabulousness to it.
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